Monthly Archives: March 2024

North Woods —Looking back

I had reason today to think of a poem I wrote several years ago, and that led me to a folder of poems that reflect thoughts over the years. This one is about my love for the North Woods, that glorious wooded region in the northern part of the Midwest. In my case, it was the forests around Eagle River, Wisconsin. I know the time I spent there when younger had a profound effect on who I became as I got older. Without sharing all I learned during those wonderful summers, I’ll simply share this “love poem.”

North Woods

I think back to the summers of my youth,
When I would spend my nights beneath the trees.
The smell of earth and pine and last year’s leaves
Would fill my soul with peace.  The evening breeze

Would rise and run its fingers through my hair,
The cool, sweet, forest-scented air would wrap
Around me; now I wish it had not let
Me go. I listened to the water lap

The shore, the nighttime creatures prowl, the leaves
And branches overhead murmur and sigh
And dance across the face of heaven. All
These sounds, combined, became my lullaby.

At last, I’d sleep, when I could wake no more,
And, cradled by the forest, I would dream
Until first light. The lake, like glass at dawn,
And silver like the sunless sky, no seam

Or ripple on its perfect mirror, doubled
The forest. At the sun’s touch, mist would rise
And drift across water and wood alike,
All white, the semblance of a dream. The cries

Of morning’s birds would break into my thoughts,
And I would rise and slip into the lake,
Letting the cold, clean water clear my mind;
Exulting, racing, free, fully awake,

And fully part of that wild beauty that
Surrounded me. I’d watch the sunlight play
Across the water to the forest’s edge
Where green and shadow merged with dappled day.

It was so long ago. But not too long.
I have not changed so much. I can and will
Go back someday.  I must. I pray. I knew
Just what I wanted then. I want it still.

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Filed under Geography, Midwest, poetry, Thoughts

Corn Boy

I had a speaking engagement today—gave my presentation “How Corn Changed Itself and Then Changed Everything Else.” Lovely venue (Isle a la Cache Museum, posted about elsewhere in this blog), with a great audience. Enjoyed everything about it, but the thing that sent me to my computer was the audience member who said I needed to see “Corn Boy.” He even pulled it up on his phone while I was putting away my notes from the presentation, so I would be sure to see it. It’s easy to see why he thought I should see it—and fascinating to see that 12 million people agree with him. Charming and fun—and it makes me want to go out and get some sweet corn.

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Filed under Corn, Video